Financial Institution Buy Lists

Our Financial Institutions have got some treats for their supporters! Characters can work to join any of our Financial Institution Societies to gain access to these buy lists - but it’s not that simple. A character can only join one institution at any one time, and have to remain in the society for 3 months before accessing their first-tier items, 6 months to access their second-tier items, and 9 months to access the third-tier items.

These items follow the same rules as the regular Skill Buy-Lists, costing 1 Local Currency at basic, 5 Local Currency at proficient, and 10 Local Currency at master, and each tier can only be bought once per event.


Tier 1

Drop ‘em Rounds
Single-Use Gizmo
Load affixed magazine via reload and declare "Drop 'em Rounds." Call "Drop 'em" on the next 6 ranged attacks to prevent the target from carrying another person for 1 minute.

Tier 2

Boogie Boot Scooters
Single-Use Gizmo
Spend 1 minute “attaching” to the soles of the shoe. Upsurge: Three free uses of Basic Enhanced Movement. Must have the skill to use.

Tier 3

Smelly G.O.O.P.
Single-Use Gizmo
A small canister of either undead or raider attractant.
Take 1 minute to apply to any Shield and call “By My Voice, Attract all <Undead or Raiders> 1 minute.”
Target type must be defined at time of purchase.

Seymour Engineer’s Corp

Tier 1

Oh-Shit Repair Kit
Single-Use Gizmo
Two-Handed Gizmo
User does 10 minutes of Full Engagement Roleplay to repair a weapon or shield via Basic Artisan. Does not require a work bench or crafting zone to use.

Tier 2

Slap-Job Repair Kit
Single-Use Gizmo
Skill required: Artisan
Two-handed Gizmo
User engages in Full Engagement Roleplay for one minute to repair a weapon or shield. Does not require a work bench or crafting zone to use. Repair lasts 30 minutes then the item breaks again and must be repaired at a bench.

Tier 3

Experimental Nitro Device (E.N.D.)
Single-Use Gizmo
Applied to Firearm or Exotic. For the next 5 minutes base damage is increased to 10. Reloading takes 12 seconds. At the end of the duration, the weapon Breaks and user takes 10 damage. Reload time cannot be reduced or skipped.

Savannah’s Grace

Tier 1

Daily X-amins
Brew - Ingested (3 Servings)
Spend 1 minute to consume. Until the next 12s, become immune to the next Disease call.

Tier 2

Coagulation Solution
Brew - Injectable
Target becomes Stabilized for 5 minutes. If not healed by the end of this duration, or if put back into bleed out before being healed, the target enters a 1 minute bleedout.

Tier 3

Blowcaine Vape
Augment (For Helscape Deathmask)
Spend 1 Resolve to become immune to Stun, Knockout, and Fear for 10 minutes. At the end of this 10 minutes, the user takes 15 unavoidable Body damage.

Lakewater Jones Guild

Tier 1

Single-Use Gizmo
Place on top of a plate trap, trip wire trap, or similar natural hazard. Anyone may freely move around the trap or hazard as long as the Bag-o-Sand stays on it. If it is removed, the trap or hazard is activated. The Trap and Bag-o-Sand cannot be retrieved after use.

Tier 2

Single-use Gizmo; aerosol spray
Nearest pressure plate/trip wire traps, hazards, or loot within 10 feet of the user is pointed out by the Guide on the mod (more info given at guide’s discretion). This item specifically does not point out container traps.

Tier 3

Tunnel Runner
Spend 1 minute drinking. For the next hour, the next 5 uses of Balance, Basic Enhanced Movement or Basic Awareness cost 1 mind. Other skills may apply at the discretion of the Guide. User must have skills to use them.

Clarity Collective

Tier 1

Amplifier Crystal
Single-Use Gizmo
Expend to use 1 Basic Anomaly skill the user possesses for 0 mind.

Tier 2

Cracked crystal rod
Single-Use Gizmo
User may spend 5 additional mind points when using a basic or proficient anomaly skill to target 1 additional target within 10ft of the attempted psionic attack (packet must strike first target).

Tier 3

Psionic Capacitor
Once per 12s, user may apply the 'Scattershot' modifier to a Basic or Proficient Anomaly skill. User must know Proficient Combat Tactics. Expires in 3 months. Capacitor must be attuned to sole user at time of purchase (name written on card).

Red Dog Freight

Tier 1

Hauler Horn
Room Augment-Augment
Physrepped by some kind of amplified car horn.
When attached to a room, spend 5 mind to call, “Beep beep -  Area of Effect - Stun.” Can only be used once per minute.

Tier 2

I-95 Boost
Amber colored drink that smells like caffeine and vitamins. Induces an "energy crash" after use.
1 minute to consume. Upsurge free use on the next 5 uses of either Avoid or Mental Endurance. After all uses are expended or upsurge ends, user cannot use Mental Endurance or Avoid for 1 hour.

Tier 3

Smuggler’s Special
Gizmo: Master Locked Container
A locked shipping crate with swappable name/logo plate.
Spend 10 mind and 5 minutes Active RP disguising and locking the box. If inspected, the crate will pass as property the financial organization or NPC faction of players choice.