Local CAPs

(More Info Coming Soon)

Subject to Change

Starting February 2025, you may spend CAPS to obtain the following DR Live edition rewards during DR: Indiana live events:

  1. EUREKA! - 50 CAPs You may acquire one (1) open-use Blueprint of your choice. There is no limit on how many times you can purchase this item per event.

  2. Scavenged Medical Supplies - 50 CAPs You may acquire one (1) single-use Boo-Boo Rags gizmo. This item can be used by anyone with Basic Medical to restore 5 Body and may self-target. Expires in 12 months.

  3. Pocket Change - 50 CAPs You may acquire three (3) Access (our local currency). There is no limit on redemptions.

  4. Emergency Injectable - 100 CAPs You may acquire one (1) Lineage-Specific Healing Injection, with an expiration of 6 months, once per event. This is a quick healing brew that can be used even while you are in Bleed Out.

  5. Higher Education - 100 CAPs You may request an NPC teacher for a Skill come to town to teach a particular Impact Skill, Development Skill, or Profession you do not possess. You must have the prerequisite qualifying Skills and XP required to purchase the requested Skill, and it is immediately available for use as if you were taught by the Proficient Education Development Skill.

  6. Survivor’s Secret Map - 100 CAPs You may acquire one (1) Foraging Card. This may be used with the Foraging Development Skill and several crafted items to produce valuable resources at the Public Works.

  7. Pregaming Pick Me Up - 100 CAPs You may acquire one (1) Basic Lineage-Specific Invigorating Brew, with an expiration of 6 months, once per event. This is a quick recovery brew that can restore 20 Mind Points.